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The Shahmaran Mall Project 

By: Osama 


Savvy Construction is a construction project management firm that has been hired by a client, Shahmaran Mall, to help in building a new commercial mall in a large city in Southern Ontario. Although this is a large project, construction management helps divide construction work into smaller focuses; Savvy Construction will focus on the planning, designing, and math-related construction of the earthmoving section of the project.


One will use their previous planning skills to help find the best solutions to discard the contaminated soils and to allow for the project’s vision to come to life.

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The Work Breakdown Structure divides the project into 5 main subgroups (that have their own focuses). These subgroups are Designing, Budgeting, Material, Scheduling, and Construction. Based on this Gantt Schedule Breakdown, one sees this project will require about 85 days (May 1st to July 25th) to be completed. 


Breaking down the work into detailed subgroups allows for one to have a clearer understanding of how long each part will take, ie. Designing along takes 34 days, Scheduling (The hiring process and the duration of construction) takes 60 days. Not only does the Schedule breakdown help in visualizing how many days it takes for each section, but allows for construction management teams to make decisions to optimize the best time to start each subgroup. If one did not overlap and multitask, the project would possibly take 182 days (or more) which is 2.14x more than the time it is expected to be completed effectively.

Dumping Sand

Choosing Dumpsites:

When starting to analyze the options of the dumpsites, one had to analyze all the mall plans and how far the dumpsites are. The commercial mall will be near a major toll highway and surrounded by residential areas. This instantly makes the project a more challenging one as the soil trucks are only permitted to go through one certain road, road A, which is a residential area. To not disrupt the everyday lives of the residents, one must ensure picking the closest dumpsite to ensure satisfaction from clients and residents while still not hurting the environment surrounding the residents to ensure their health as well.

Dumpsite 1 .png

The distance was not the only thing being analyzed for the dumpsite, some of the things to look at were groundwater depth, surface water vicinity, elevation, land slope, soil permeability, soil stability, distance, and convenience. 

Dumpsite 1 was chosen as the best dumpsite as it was closest in distance by a lot, would save fuel costs, and the GI 44-57 soil is not harmful enough to contaminate any of the potable water.


As part of Savvy Construction’s responsibilities, one needs to effectively excavate the contaminated soils and fill them with better soil replacements and mix To do so, one will need to hire specialized subcontractors and ensure their time is scheduled to be optimal. 


One found out that the rocky soil will need to be excavated (soil GI 1-144) and find an efficient way to be disposed of, whether it is G! 1-10 offsite, GI 10-44 to the chosen dumpsite. The rocky soil showed barium contamination and showed that the total cut volume was 199, 416.726 m³ and needed to be filled with a soft soil replacement mix with a volume of 62,421.75 m³. It is more seen in detail through some of the AutoCAD drawings. 

Construction Portrait

Construction Approach:

The construction phases will be divided into 3 main phases, the cutting of the soil, the filling, and the transporting of the soil. There will also be earlier phases such as the early construction phase of beginning the set up of the construction and even earlier, pre-construction phase where one finalizes drawings, permits, and most paperwork.


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